I'd like to share my recent experience with "What it Takes".
If you CrossFit then you're familiar with the CrossFit Games Open. If not, let me give you a brief summary. The open is a 5 week competition (1 new wod each week) where people around the world compete to make it to regionals and the ultimate goal - CrossFit Games. Its intense, challenging and fun all at the same time.
Last year I decided to do the open just for fun. I signed up and a few hours later did my first wod. It was about this time last year that I decided to up my competitive side and challenge myself. What better way than to participate in the open! First WOD was something like double unders and ground to overhead - I did it, WHEW! Second WOD was a combination of deadlifts, hand release push ups and box jumps. COMPLETED!! Third WOD - As many clean and jerks
110# in 5 min. Okay, so I knew that 95# was difficult for me and was lucky if I could clean that on a good day and jerking it...well that was just the same. So I went into this WOD saying I just want 1 and I will spend all 5 min trying for that 1. Did I get that 1 - nope, but I never stopped trying. After that I set a goal that I was going be able to clean 110 and jerk it. I didn't do the rest of the wods, it had reached a point that I wasn't strong enough for what was coming and I basically gave up. I may have given in to the open, but I made a point to push myself from that point on. Here are a few pictures during this open - you can see the struggle on my face(those are funny-yet painful to look at. lol)

The journey to where I am now looks a little something like this:
Crawfish Mega wod Competition 

Crossfit Katy's Beat the Heat competition

Babes and Barbell Strength competition

Battle Buddy and Fight Gone Bad.

I had a plan and that was to be a better and stronger version of myself. I wanted to know that I had what it takes.
Here I am a year later, much stronger, more determined and able to clean and jerk more than 110# :)
This year I completed all 5 wods and I couldn't be more pleased with that accomplishment alone. Some WOD's I surprised myself -had more in me than I thought. But for the most part, I walked away from each wod happy I finished but always thinking about how I could have done more, pushed harder, gotten out of my head. That is both good and bad. It's great that I want to be better but not good to be so down on myself when what I did was my best. I did my last WOD at CrossFit Camp Lejeune, which was an interesting experience. It was outside behind the MARSOC gym. It was a bit intimidating but it got me pumped up. There I was standing outside in the afternoon heat looking at the pull up bars taped and blood stained and yet I was excited. Felt like there was no room for less than my best. I enjoyed judging and encouraging others, watching them push themselves to their limit and beyond. I found inspiration in everyone, saw what it takes with each person. There are a couple people who constantly remind me through their daily actions, what it takes to be where I want to be.
I would like for you to meet my coach and friend Katie Russell

I like this picture of Katie because it shows her since of humor but also states the truth. Katie know's how to turn on "Beast Mode" and when she does, it's absolutely incredible to watch. Watching Katie in a WOD is so inspiring and motivating. She works hard, doesn't stop and is a role model for many of us women at the box. Katie is encouraging as a coach and personally has helped me achieve goals I've set and has inspired me to set new ones. I'm thankful to have had her judge, support, encourage and set expectations for me. She makes me want to be a stronger woman. I'm pretty sure she inspires men and women at our box to be the best they can. Katie, through her female strength competitions, all females classes and representing us so proudly in every competition has shown woman how to be more confident in our strengths and no task is to heavy. :) Id say when I grow up I want to be like Katie, but I'm grown up and she's younger than me...either way, she inspires me!
Now meet Vic

This is a picture from last year, but I chose this picture for a few reasons. Vic is the foundation to BayouCity CrossFit , he created an amazing box with his positive attitude, kindness and ability to provide his clients with the best coaches in Houston. Vic showed me how to turn the obstacles in my life towards positive energy in my work outs. He has encouraged me through difficult times and through doing that has helped me discover strengths and passions I didn't know I had. In this picture, you can see the determination and focus in both of their eyes. Something that both of these guys have taught me is this: when you want something, you can achieve it. You have to push through the hurt, forget about the fear and know that you are capable. There is no room for doubt and as long as you believe, you will achieve. I also chose this picture because both of these guys had a calling; to serve our country and defend our nation. It takes a special person to dedicate their lives to defending others. I am inspired by their mental and physical strength, dedication and constant strive to be the best they can be.
We always recognize the men and women serving our military but not always the spouses. I recently took a trip to visit my childhood friend who I have not seen since junior high or high school

Ryanne has always been a fun loving person and has such a outgoing, fun infections spirit. In my trip to visit her and her family she inspired me more than I can express. Ryanne is married to a Marine, has two beautiful children and lives on base at Camp Lejeune. Ryanne showed me a snap shot of what it's life is like living on base. One thing Ryanne has picked up recently is running! She joined a group on base called the Stroller Warriors! Stroller Warriors are military spouses who get together every week and run...with strollers...and kids. lol They encourage each other, train for fun runs, tri's, halfs and now full marathons. Ryanne ran her very first half marathon Sunday March 17th and then ran her second (thanks for a free bib) the next Saturday..not even a full week!!! I was excited to be there for that and cheer her on. She IS a WARRIOR!!!
Ryanne and the other Stroller Warriors are amazing women. When their husbands deploy, they keep life at home normal. They take care of their children, support each other, stay active, run their butts off, raise money for illnesses and even when they haven't heard from their husbands they still manage to get through everyday as if it was just another day. They are beautiful strong spiritual woman! I was so inspired by their strength, love and dedication. These women are super hero's!! Being around Ryanne ignited a switch in me. I've been motivated with crossfit and wanting to be my be my best, but after visiting her; I've discovered a spiritual motivation, a motivation to be a better human. I also agreed to run the Marine Corp Marathon in October (YIKES!)..she sure knows how to motivate!!! What a blessing to be able to see a friend after so many years and leave feeling so motivated, lifted and fulfilled.
I know this blog was a bit long, but I wanted to share my inspiration on my journey to discovering I do have what it takes. It's a constant journey as goals are changing, expectations are higher, life happens and challenges will always be around. I hope everyone knows they have what it takes, whatever it may be!